"Manhunt" 4 of 7

T-Bag stands outside of a clinic for Dr. Marvin Gudat. Inside, Gudat tells T-Bag the clinic is closed. “That’s sort of the point,” T-Bag tells him, placing the ice chest on the reception counter. “I’m gonna need some work done. And I’m gonna need it done privately.” Gudat informs him that the clinic is not for humans – only animals. Frustrated, T-Bag raises his arm, exposing his missing hand. Gudat turns and immediately goes to the phone to call 911 but T-Bag quickly intercepts, holding the screwdriver-end to the doctor’s neck. “Nobody’s gonna be doing any calling here doctor.”

The cons make their escape in the hunter’s Grand Cherokee but C-Note’s still pissed about what transpired with the young girl and her father -- he wants Abruzzi out of the car. Abruzzi tells him he had to do it. If he didn’t, they wouldn’t be on their way right now. C-Note asks where they are going. Michael says, “Oswego.” C-Note’s confused; “That’s east. My family is west.” Abruzzi tells him, “you don’t think they don’t know about your family. You don’t think they aren’t just waiting there for you to come running back home.” Sucre interjects, “what about NY?” My girl is pregnant.” Abruzzi tells him that now their love is their weakness. Michael assures them not to let that stop them. They just have to be smart now. C-Note asks where in Oswego? Michael tells them, “It’s not where Oswego is. It’s what’s in Oswego.”

Bellick is handed Michael’s pre-prison credit card statement from C.O. Patterson. “He spent a lot of money here in Will County,” Bellick tells him. “Why does a guy from Chicago come all the way out here and spend eight thousand?” Another C.O. runs up and informs Bellick that a hunter and his daughter just ran into five of the cons.

Mahone walks Michael’s old apartment, looking for a beat into Michael’s way of thinking; “Mother’s dead. Father’s a deadbeat. Don’t have anything in the world but your brother.” As he runs his hands along the wall, we start to see quick flashes of Michael prior to the escape, carefully going over the details of his breakout plan. “So you plan. And you scheme for months till you get it right. Every single element. And then you destroy all the evidence,” Mahone says. He turns and walks over to the window that overlooks the murky waters of Chicago river below. “I want divers down in the river.”

Back in Blackfoot, Montana, Veronica tries to get cell phone reception but Terrance tells her they are too far in the woods. Unconvinced, she works the phone but soon feels the cold steel of a pistol pushed into the back of her head. “Don’t,” Terrance demands.

Bellick talks to the hunter, who confirms that the cons took his 1978 Grand Cherokee. Bellick asks what direction the cons went. “Oswego,” the hunter tells him. Bellick calls out for Michael’s credit card statements that Patterson has. On the statement he sees several Oswego businesses including Allen’s Self Storage in Oswego, Illinois. “Of course. Where is he going to put all the crap he’s going to need to disappear. We’re going to Oswego boys!” Bellick grumbles.

Nurse Katie pays Sara a visit in the hospital. “You look disappointed,” she tells Sara. “I thought you were going to be my father,” Sara says. Katie tells Sara she needs to apologize -- they threatened her job if she didn’t talk about what happened back at the prison with she and Michael. Sara tells her, “the one thing she learned when walking the steps, is that you don’t outsource the blame over what’s happening in your own backyard.” “You’re not the first correctional worker who fell for a con,” Katie confesses. Sara tells her, “He never cared,” while miles away…

04.02.2007. u 22:19   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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