alfa i beta žene i muškarci

nebrojeno puta sam pisala o muškarcima koji hodaju ili ožene ružne žene koje su i gadure ponašanjem.
pa evo...ako ne vjerujete meni, možda ćete vjerovati napisanome s jedne američke stranice, ukoliko naravno budete razumjeli pročitati što to tamo piše.
sve je to do toga tko je alfa, a tko beta ponašanjem...a manje je na izgledu, dobroti i tome sl.

kopirala sam prvi dio teksta...dalje pročitajte sami kad otvorite link.

»The Handsome Man-Ugly Woman Couple Syndrome
December 6, 2011 by Heartiste

I was participating in a mobile conference which included question and answer periods, and I noticed an odd couple standing to my side. He was youngish and good-looking — most women would agree on his physical attractiveness — and his wife was a snout-nosed, inbred-looking, stringy-haired, big fat pig dressed in sweatshirt and ill-fitting jeans. In other words, the typical American woman. I assumed they were married because I saw their rings and she had her hand on a stroller with an infant tucked away in it.

What abomination is this! I thought. But then the reason became crystal clear after only a few moments watching and listening to them interact.

Speaker: Any questions?

Big Fat Pig: [nudging her hubby with her elbow] Honey, remember…

Handsome Husbandry: [tentatively raising his index and middle finger, and haltingly talking] I have a question… I have a…

Speaker: Yes?

Handsome Husbandry: [his question-asking hand lingering in mid-air, other hand stuffed in pocket] What did [X] bring to the event that caused [Y] to happen? It seems like.. it seems as if…

As he asked his question, he kept looking over at his wife — in fact, staring at his wife more than the speaker, although he was ostensibly addressing the speaker. One would be forgiven for having the impression that he was seeking constant real-time assurance from his wife that his question was acceptable for public discourse. Nervously shifting from one foot to the other, leaning into his wife, gazing downward when the speaker responded to him, his body language was so beta it was painful to watch. No, it was repulsive to behold, almost as repulsive as the visual effrontery of his wife’s blubbery carcass.

The wife, meanwhile, assumed the posture and countenance of the alpha male. (Never trust a power vacuum to be left unfilled by man or woman.) She looked straight ahead when her husband was simultaneously asking his question of the group leader and craning his neck to her for approval, and she never once softened her expression into a sympathetic, let alone loving, smile at him. (Some men go through life never knowing the exquisite pleasure of a woman’s appreciative gaze of admiration.) There was no unspoken, feminine job well done crease of the eyes on her porcine face. Just stone cold indifference, spiced with a hint of contempt.

Yep, like I said… CRYSTAL CLEAR.

It’s illuminating to compare our reactions to different mismatched couples. Think about what you say to yourself when you see the following pairings (remember that you have nothing to go on except what they look like):

09.06.2012. u 19:00   |   Editirano: 09.06.2012. u 19:13   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

haha...a ova rečenica je tek vrhunska: "Handsome betas are polluting the gene pool with pigwoman blood"!

no dobro, vidim da ništa ne kuž naravno...ovdje malo njih zna i materinji jezik kako spada, ne čudi me ništa.

Autor: budnasanjam   |   09.06.2012. u 19:27   |   opcije

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